
道教医学・董氏奇穴針灸学に関する講習会のご案内/東京 自由が丘 7.23

日本董氏針灸学会 龍門針灸 王醫塾代表
醫仙針灸院 院長


1962年 台湾道医学家元に生まれる
1986年 中国福建中医学院 中医科卒業 中医師
1988年 呉竹学園東京医療専門学校入学
1991年 呉竹学園東京医療専門学校卒業 鍼灸師国家資格取得
1993年 呉竹学園鍼灸マッサージ教員養成科卒業、同年 醫仙針灸院開業
2004年 王醫塾設立
2005年 董師正経奇穴針灸学を出版

初代目 故王鶚氏は清朝時代、乾隆皇帝(1711~1799)の主侍医
八代目 故祖父 王清溪氏は台湾中医師学会を創設
十代目 醫仙


Dr. Wang Yixian(Wang Tai-long)
Curriculum Vitae

1962        Born in aTaiwan Taoist medical family
1986        Physician of Chinese Medicine
           Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
           Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China
1988-1991    Qualification for Practitioner of Acupuncture and Moxibustion
           Kuretake Medical School,Tokyo Institute of Medicine
1991        Japanese National Qualification of Acupuncturist
1993        Diploma in Advanced Studies in the Graduate School of
           Acupuncture and Massage Teacher Training
           Kuretake Medical School,Tokyo Institure of Medicine
           Opened Wang Acupuncture Medical Clinic
2004        Established Wang Acupuncture Medical School
2005        Published Tung's Acupoint Acupuncture Meridians

※ Wang's Ancestors
Wang Yixian belongs to the tenth generation of the Wang Family that is known
for its contribution to Chinese Medicine. Wang Ospreys (the first generation)
was the primary physician of the Qing Dynasty's Emperror Qian Long (1711-1799).
Wang Qingxi-shi (the eight generation) ,Yixian's grandfather, is the founder of the
Taiwan Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine.


Wang Yixian's Personal History of Chinese Medicine
At the age of six, I entered the world of Taoist Medicine, in which I learned the basis
of medical knowledge. From the very beginning, I have been deeply interested in Chinese Medicine.
This is partly because of my family environment where traditional Chinese culture was always
emphasized and revered. All the children of my family were encouraged to study and immerse
themselves into the various facts embedde in the Chinese rich heritage from the past.
It is also a result of my masters' firm foundation and strong aspirasion for Chinese Medical Learning.
I have learnt the art of Chinese Medicine from many leaders of this area since chidhood.
The late Dr. Tung Ching-chang, the first master of Chineseacupuncture and the primary physician
of Chiang Kai-shek, directly passed me down the treatment method of Tung Qi Points.
Dr.Li Fu-chen,the founder of Taiwan First Medical College of Pharmacy, taught me the Book of Changes in person,
while Professor You Zhu-ceng, ChineseKampo doctor, also personally transferred the treatise on Febrile Diseases to me.
Likewise, Taoist Masters taught me the method of Taoism that was handed down from age to age.
I also Learned Dan Initiation (Dao Guanding) from Long Yuan Hung and Yuen Long-zhenren.
Amoug my knowledge and skills are: Taoist Inner Alchemy, Yi Dao Feng Shui, Acupuncture Prescription,
and Taoist Breathing Exercises(Qigong Dao Yin)

1 resume
2 a biographic sketch
3 Brief biographical data
4 curriculum vitate
5 Wang's personal history or background
1. I was born in a Taiwan Taoist medical family in 1962.
2. I graduated from the depertment of traditional chinese medicine in China.
Fujian traditional chinese medicine college in 1986.
Then I obtained a diploma as a physician of Chinese Medicine.
3. I enrolled in Wu Zhu medicical scool, Tokyo Institute of Medicine in 1988.
4. I graduated from Wu Zhu medical school, Tokyo.
Institute of medicine in 1991. There I obtained the qualification for practitioner
of acupuncture and Moxbustion. Then I got the national qualification of
5. I took advance study in the graduate school of acupuncture and massage
teacher training in Wuzhu medicial school in 1993.
In the same year, I opened Wang Acupuncture medical clinic.
6. I established the Wang Acupuncture medical school in 2004.
7. I publshed Tong's acupoint acupuncture meridians in 2005.
8. First Generation
The deceased Wang Ospreys was the primary physician of the Qing Dynasty
emperor Qian Long (1711~1799)
9. Eighth Generation:
The deceased grand father, Wang Qingxi shi, was the first man to establish
Taiwan traditional Chinese Medicine institure.
10. Tenth Generation
The tenth generation in Wang Yixian.

I entered the Taoist medicine world at the age of six.
I have learned the art of chinese medicine from many leaders of this area
from child hood.
I have been directly passed down the treatment method of Tong Qi points
from the late Dr.Ching Chang Tong who was the first peaple that owned China
acupuncture master and also the primary physician of Chiang Kai Shek.
In addition, from the fownder of Taiwan first medical college of pharmacy
China medical college, Dr.Li fu Chen made direct teaching book, the book
of changes.
I was direct transferred the treation on Febile Diseases by China kampo doctor,
professor You zhe ceng.
I have learned the method of Taoism from the Taoism master which was handed
down from age to age.
In addition. I learned Dan Dao Guanding from Long Yuan Hung and Yuen Long
I have acguired the skills of Taoist inner alchemy, Yi Dao Feng shui, geomancy,
Acupuncture prescription and Qigong dao Yim.


①眼疾患  ②不妊症  ③難治性疾患